Java Sockets
Socket :
1) Socket is used to create the connection between the client and server.
2) Socket is nothing but a combination of IP Address and port number.
3) The socket is created at client side.
4) Socket is class present in the java.net package
5) It is acting as a communicator between the client and server.
6) Whenever if we want to send the data first we have to create a socket that is acts as a medium.
Create the socket
1) Socket s=new Socket(int IPAddress, int portNumber);
a. Socket s=new Socket(,123);
2) Socket s=new Socket(String HostName, int PortNumber);
a. Socket s=new Socket(Durgasoft,123);
client socket
import java.net.*; 
import java.io.*; 
class Client 
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception 
Socket s=new Socket("localhost",5555);
String str="ratan from client"; 
OutputStream os=s.getOutputStream();
PrintStream ps=new PrintStream(os); 
InputStream is=s.getInputStream();
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); 
String str1=br.readLine(); 
Output :
server program
class Server 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
//to read the data from client 
ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(55); 
Socket s=ss.accept(); 
System.out.println("connection is created "); 
InputStream is=s.getInputStream(); 
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); 
String data=br.readLine(); 
//write the data to the client 
data=data+"this is from server"; 
OutputStream os=s.getOutputStream(); 
PrintStream ps=new PrintStream(os); 
Output :
connection is created
hi this is from server(in client prohram)